Friday, February 29, 2008

I heart Marc Gunn and the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast

Marc Gunn, celtic musician and unabashed cat lover, has released a new CD, Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers. To check out the CD and download tunes, visit:

Why am I posting this on my blog? Simple...I adore Marc. Not in a mushy-gushy movie star crush kinda way. You have to understand...I have an hour-and-a-half bus ride every morning and evening during the work week. If it wasn't for Marc and his Irish and Celtic Music Podcasts, I really don't think I'd handle it as well as I do. Since getting an iPod, I've checked out quite a few podcasts and after a few shows, have unsubscribed from most of them. Marc has a great voice for audio, a terrific sense of humor, and mixes the shows in a professional-sounding way. And...he knows how to pick great Irish and Celtic music for the show.

As a way of thanking him for his great work on the podcast and for being so kind to kitty cats (my greatest personal downfall as well), I decided to plug his latest album. Marc is an indie artist, so please feel free to pass this info and the links to his web site along to anyone who loves Irish music and/or cats as much as I do!