Monday, November 27, 2006

Sirius is seriously cool!

My Christmas present from my husband this year is a Sirius satellite radio. I'm still having some issues getting it to tune without static, but so far I love it! It's amazing, but before hooking up this radio, I had no problem finding stations with static in my area...all of a sudden I've got stations coming through on practically every channel. Yikes!

I highly recommend this as a present for the commuter in your I just gotta get an iPod for when I start taking the bus (when the snow starts to fly).

A word about me and technology - I am not an early adopter. I still remember the beta format for movies and how that fizzled and I'm slightly (but healthily) paranoid about buying any technology too quickly. My personal philosophy is, give it a year or two...the price will drop dramatically and you'll be able to tell if it's going to stick around long enough to invest in or not.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

No Time to Blog!!

I think I'm maintaining the most boring blog on the net right now. Between my longer commute to work, my husband's recovery from a truck accident, and trying to get everything done for my master's degree to graduate in December...I'm losing it. Blogging doesn't strike me as a priority on most days.

I am reading a really good book that I think has life-changing potential. Several people at my workplace recommended it and I ran out and bought it pronto. It's called "Getting Things Done" by David Allen, a productivity author, consultant, and guru. I'm only through a few chapters, but I've started to incorporate some of his ideas and I'm just amazed so far. I can't wait to finish it. I highly recommend this one. The paperback version is just $13.50 at Barnes and Noble -

Switching gears to a completely unrelated topic, the trailer for the Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix movie has been released! has the trailer in several formats here: My husband and I are huge HP fans and we almost can't stand the wait between book and movie releases. Don't know what we'll do once the series is over...pray for Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series to be made into movies, I suppose.

Happy holidays if I haven't posted again by the end of December!!