Monday, November 27, 2006

Sirius is seriously cool!

My Christmas present from my husband this year is a Sirius satellite radio. I'm still having some issues getting it to tune without static, but so far I love it! It's amazing, but before hooking up this radio, I had no problem finding stations with static in my area...all of a sudden I've got stations coming through on practically every channel. Yikes!

I highly recommend this as a present for the commuter in your I just gotta get an iPod for when I start taking the bus (when the snow starts to fly).

A word about me and technology - I am not an early adopter. I still remember the beta format for movies and how that fizzled and I'm slightly (but healthily) paranoid about buying any technology too quickly. My personal philosophy is, give it a year or two...the price will drop dramatically and you'll be able to tell if it's going to stick around long enough to invest in or not.