Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Another Year Has Come and Gone

(For lack of photos, I'm posting some fun pics of my crazy kitties...)

There's just four days left of 2006 and I think I'm glad of that. It has been a whirlwind in more ways than one and I'm really hoping (!) that 2007 is less hectic. I graduated from Seton Hill with my MBA the Monday before Christmas (Dec. 18), so that's finally one less thing I have to worry about. Rob is back to work (from the truck accident in September), still very sore every day when he comes home, but at least he's working again. Possibly the only good thing that came from the truck accident is that he has decided to attend college and will begin the Saturday "Adult Degree Program" at Seton Hill in January. He's majoring in Human Services and will finish his bachelor's in just two years.

Robert Morris University, and therefore the Bayer Center, is closed between Christmas and New Year's, so I have a whole 11 days off. I'm having difficulty remembering how to relax...grad school gets you in the mindset of always having school work to be done gnawing in the back of your head. I still feel like I have too much to do and find myself setting overly ambitious lists and schedules for myself. I wonder if I will ever get past the guilty feeling I have when I just sit and watch TV?

I'm not really making any New Year's resolutions...I try to just make New Year's progress instead. We have agreed that we'd both like to begin eating less fast food and more healthy stuff so that we can hopefully lose a few pounds and reduce our coming candidacies for heart attack patients in our 40s. I would really like to try hard to get our credit bills reduced so that we can buy a house in the next few years. And I want to try to spend more time with my kitties, who I feel like I ignore sometimes...Xander or Boo-Kitty will drag their toys up to me and meow and it always seems like I'm in the middle of something and don't have time to play. I feel bad about that, but I went to graduate school and I go to work everyday to make their lives better too, so it hasn't all been for naught.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
The Cats look great on "Internet"
You and Rob have a Safe and a Great New Year.....celebrate wisely, I know you will.
The Old Year is soon to go, but we all are wise to remember where we made our worst mistakes and try never again to repeat them! If we put God in all areas of our life.....change will be much greater and wiser in our life and in our character and relationships too. The Spiritual realm is True Reality, but most think it is here on Earth....We all are on a journey to either Eternal Life or Eternal Death....which is either always with God or to never hear His voice again and eternal suffering or it can be eternal life and bliss. If we never consider this we truly are deceived by our own thinking....
Anything without chasing the wind! I love you and always will, so take better care of you and Rob in the New Year, so I will see you healthier and happier too. I Love You!
By the way....your Blogs are so cool and your such a descriptive "Writer".....ever think of writing a Book? You know who has written this one....
As "Mary" pondered it in her must we ponder truly of what we believe and why we believe and what is TRUTH....for only Jesus is TRUTH.....there is only one absolute TRUTH.....and it always has been! Ponder and search for it and He promises you will find it, and He will let you know the TRUTH....

John said...

Hi Cindy,
Sounds like all is well with you which is great to hear! Not sure if I mentioned it to you via email but I got married in August as planned. We tied the knot in Alasaka - it was so much easier! Did not have to worry about who to invite and all the crazy wedding stuff. We were married by old gold dredge #3 in Chatanika and then went in to the nearby lodge for many cocktails. A good time was had by all!

I am nearing the end of my Seton Hill odyssy - one more class to go and the MBA is in the bag. Can't say that I will be sad to see the end. Still not sure what I am going to do afterwards. I have been thinking of going on for a doctorate but not 100% sure.

It was 6 degrees here this morning and bright sunshine. We have over a foot of snow as well so it was really pretty outside. I took the dog for a nice long walk though the woods. He had a grand old time playing in the snow and running around checking everything out.

The Super Bowl will be on in a few hours so it is time to start wrapping up the homework/research and get ready for some football....